Sunday, September 11, 2011

Spanish-speakers in Ghana?

Okay, so I live on top of a huge hill. Actually, it is literally a small mountain. I have to walk up and down it everyday to catch a taxi to work. Thankfully, my work is in a town called Kakumdo, which is almost 15 minutes from my house depending on how long it takes me to get down the mountain, get a taxi, and traffic. However, as many of you already know I took a pretty nasty fall on one of the sidewalks and tore the ligaments in my right ankle. I am not supposed to walk on it for a couple of weeks and I have to have a cast on it. My mom ended up having to mail me some crutches because they don’t have them here, and an orthopedic brace so I can try and get around with less pain. There is no ice in Ghana, and consequently my right foot has been twice the size of my left foot. It is still painful but I can manage small steps after taking the makeshift cast that I had on off (you didn’t hear me say that Mom). I cannot be happier that I have a mom as wonderful as mine in my life to take care of me when I fall off the sidewalks in foreign countries (yes you Mom!!!!!). Initially, a stranger took me to the hospital in a taxi and then had an x-ray of my ankle done. The Ghanaian doctor thought it was dislocated my ankle, so he called in a specialist. After several hours of waiting, the doctor came and he spoke zero English. He said, “No broken, but need cast”. I was crying (how embarrassing), but he wrote a prescription for the items necessary to make a cast and one of the people from ProWorld went to the pharmacy while I waited at the hospital with the non-English speaking doctor. The doctor put me in a wheelchair and led me into a room with AC, pulled up a chair and asked me where I was from. After responding, I asked him the same question and he said Cuba. I was dumbfounded. I switched to Spanish and started talking to him and suddenly I felt more comfortable and at ease. He explained everything about my foot to me in Spanish and how he was a volunteer at the hospital and if I ever needed anything else to call him. Who would have ever thought I would use my Spanish skills in Ghana. I was so thankful! J

1 comment:

  1. So sorry love! You feeling any better? Hope things improve quickly.

    aw 8)
